bloom. grow. shine.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 11:44AM
Shannon Jackson Arnold in Flowers, My journey, flowers, my journey

This picture is from a garden that stopped me in my tracks when we were on vacation with friends in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, last month. The entire perimeter of the yard featured nothing but dahlias. I was struck both by the beauty of the dahlias and with the bravado of this man who decided to take what he loved and go big with it. (Read more about the garden here.)


Part of my journey over the last few years has been learning to both walk towards the sunshine (what feels good) and to stand in the radiant flower that I am (and each of us are). Part of what is sunny for me lately is to share what I am noticing in my life and the world around me. My intention for this blog is to share those rays of "sunshine" and share what is helping me blossom more fully into life.

This garden got me thinking:  where in my life can I take what I love and go big with it?

The answer, for me, comes in the form of a string of words — flowers, metaphors, poetry, books, stories, art, life lessons and journeys, breath, reflection, wonder, nature, community, safe haven — and a string of verbs — creating, dancing, gathering, learning, sharing, connecting, flowing, growing.

A friend and coach, Josh Billings, led me through a future self meditation earlier this summer. The sentence of my essence that I came out of the mediation with was this:

I am creative joy and oneness, connecting and creating, growing and flowing.

I sense that I'm just putting the first tender roots of this vision into the ground— and the buds are starting to form. I stand in witness and wonder as it comes into full bloom.

It's no coincidence that when I got new business cards for the Inspired Writer earlier this summer, I chose a new tagline: bloom. grow. shine. I'm ready. Are you?

Tell me:  where in your life can you take what you love and go "bigger" with it?

Article originally appeared on Shannon Jackson Arnold :: Bloom into healing, hope and happiness (
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