Flowering Fridays: More Beautiful Together
Friday, February 19, 2010 at 9:58AM
Shannon Jackson Arnold in flowering fridays

As much as I love the individual close-ups of flowers, what I really love is seeing a bunch of different flowers all together.

I love how seeing how a diverse group of flowers is made more beautiful when they come together in a group.

I so believe in the power of groups to hold us in a sacred space of transformation and love.

I often tell writers to find your writing tribe.

In flowerspeak, it means: gather together in a bouquet that has you bloom more boldly than you  might on your own.

Sure, writing is mostly a solitary task (unless you have a co-author!).

But for our writer to be fully fed, I believe, you need to find your tribe.

I love that my friend Lynn Serafinn, the wonderful author of Garden of Soul (a book that uses flowers as a metaphor so beautifully!) is creating a online tribe for writers and coaches in the mind-body-spirit genre called Spirit Authors.

Lynn describes it as "a membership site...providing a comprehensive, inclusive, community-based program for aspiring, first-time and experienced mind-body-spirit authors, to enable you to transform your personal dream into a life-changing business asset in less than one year."

I adore Lynn. She's an amazing coach, experienced writer and has coordinated the launches for several best-selling books.

And her grand opening for the Spirit Authors is next week.

To celebrate, she's offering five days of wonderful (and free!) webinars on all aspects of getting published.

I'm thrilled and honored that she asked me to be on Monday's panel on Starting and Writing Your Book. The panel includes William Bloom, Allison Maslan and Daya Devi Doolin.

On Tuesday, the panel is on Pre-Publication Musts. Wednesday, Preparing for Publication. Thursday's topic is your book launch. And the grand opening week ends Friday with enjoying the success of your book.

I am so in support of what Lynn is offering. Both because I know she's great at empowering authors to successfully publish, and because I know how important community is for a writer.

If you are a writer who wants to write a mind-body-spirit book or has published and seeks to expand their market or a coach in this field who is thinking about writing,  sign up for the free webinars (note you have to sign up for each individually) and learn more here.

(If you cannot make the live calls on that day, be sure to register anyway, because you can download the audio recording later.)

  I so believe that as writers how we learn and grow is by learning from other writers who have gone before — what did and didn't work, what they've learned through experience.

I know that the wise tending that Lynn will offer this tribe of writers will create a most beautiful gathering of writing flowers.


P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, I am an affiliate of this program. Which means that if you decide to join I get a commission. That said, I would recommend this program, affiliate or not, because I so believe in Lynn and her commitment to authors.

Flowering Fridays is a weekly look at flowers through the lens of what they might teach us about flowering fully in our life. Past editions are here.

Article originally appeared on Shannon Jackson Arnold :: Bloom into healing, hope and happiness (http://www.shannonjacksonarnold.com/).
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