Hello! I'm Shannon.

As a soul specialist, radiance amplifier and inspiring guide, I help people bloom bigger into life through 1-on-1 Stargazer sessions, bespoke flower essences,  inspiring talks, transformative circles & retreats & keepsake photography books.

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Field Notes: An Offering of Hope

Today is my birthday. 

So in the spirit of celebration today, I have a gift I’d like to share with you, something that would make me happy and, in turn, be a gift to me.

I’d like to send you a message of hope — a postcard with a little message of inspiration written just for you. 

I have 100 postcards printed up and ready for some loving words of encouragement to bring you some hope and clarity where you most need it. 

To receive the messages, I’ll sit in meditation and call in Divine support and guidance. Then listen for what most wants shared to come through.

Each message will be unique. But I know they all will be…

Messages of love. Of hope. Of encouragement. Of guidance. Of reminding you how very loved and supported you are. Of how the beautiful flower you are is so very needed in this rich and diverse garden called Life.

I’ll transcribe what I intuitively receive and send it on a lovely postcard featuring one of my flower photos.

Would you like to receive a message?

If it’s a yes for you (and it’s okay if it isn’t), here’s what you need to do:

  1. Email your snail mail address to me at shannon{at}shannonjacksonarnold.com. 
  2. Put message of hope in the subject line. If you have a particular area or topic you’d like me to focus on for your message, let me know (optional; not required). 

I'll take requests until August 31, 2014 or until all the postcards have been spoken for.

There is no obligation and no purchase necessary to receive a postcard.

This is a gift, given freely through me to you.

I’m committed to do doing 35 postcards a week until I get all the messages mailed. I will send out cards in the order received so expect a response in 1-3 weeks. 

You might be wondering why this is a gift to me.

Because one of the things I’m consciously cultivating in my life is my desire to be writing more. 

I’m making in-roads on this: Learning how to self-generate writing time and devote myself to a daily writing practice. Blogging more. Keeping my journal with me wherever I go. Praying for support and strength around my writing and my writing self.

I'm pleased with my progress, and I want to grow my "writer self" even more this next trip around the sun.

I also know how much support and hope I receive when I tune into these messages for myself (it's part of my regular practice), and I want to share the love.

I can think of no better way to start my 44th year.

Tell me, what message of hope do you have for yourself or for others? What would you write on a postcard?

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