Hello! I'm Shannon.

As a soul specialist, radiance amplifier and inspiring guide, I help people bloom bigger into life through 1-on-1 Stargazer sessions, bespoke flower essences,  inspiring talks, transformative circles & retreats & keepsake photography books.

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Field Notes: Being Busy as a Bee (& Why That's A Good Thing)

A bee doing what a bee does best. Cottage Garden, 9/23/14

This morning, I watched the bees enjoy the flowers in the cottage garden.

Watching bees in the flowers is one of my favorite things to do — they are so focused in such an easy-going way. To me, they are the embodiment of flow.

They take the time needed to visit each flower before moving on to the next one, sure-footed and zen-focused to the serious business of pollination.

The bees seem so serene and content as they go about their task, which will last them all day long.

Tomorrow, they will wake up and do this all over again.

A bee's work is never done.

But it's no matter to the bee — they are calm and diligent before embarking from the hive to fly several miles to visit thousands of flowers each day.

After all, there is beauty to behold. Honey to make. New flowers, just bloomed, to discover. And work to do.

The bees know their task and get about doing it. No fear. No worrying. No feeling “less-than.”

In my book, Flowering Wisdom, I wrote "the bumblebee is a spiritual teacher, offering lessons in being present to whatever you are doing at any given moment."

The bee taking its own sweet time with this aster and teaching me to be in the moment. Cottage Garden, 9/23/14.

Doing our own work, whatever we define that as, can be that easy. Whether it's tending to our home, our business, our relationships or bringing our heartfelt dreams to life.

We can wake up and tend to the work at hand.

But too often we make it hard with our limiting thoughts and procrastinations.

The bee, on the other hand, has no time for such wasted energy.

I want to be more like the bee. In flow. On purpose. In action. In flight, my nose right up against the sweet nectar of beauty and life. Ready day in and day out to show up and do the work.

Okay with the fact that it will never be done. (There is always more to do, experience and know.)

Finding joy in the day-in and day-out rhythm of life, where the sweetness of living resides.

You in, too?

Tell me, what about the bee inspires you?

P.S. Did you know that according to the International Bee Research Association honey bee foragers commonly fly up to four miles to collect nectar and pollen from flowers? It is estimated that it takes 10 million foraging trips to make the equivalent of a one-pound jar of honey. Also, fascinating article on bee sleep habits here.

P.P.S. I've updated my Stargazer sessions so that I now offer two options: a 45-minute consult by phoneMini Stargazer Sessions — in addition to the two-hour deep-dive Stargazer Immersion. I am excited to offer these sessions for people who need a session focused on a specific area of concern, for those desiring ongoing support to move through a life "threshold" or for those who would like to dip their toes in and experience a session with me at reasonable price. Details can be found here.

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