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« A Poem for Christmas Eve | Main | Flowering Fridays: Poinsettia »

Holiday Sights

Some scenes from this holiday season at our house:

Trees in the entryway of our "mud" room

Our dining room, with the china cabinets filled with snowmen, a Santa and an angel and a picture that hung in my Grandma and Grandpa Jackson's home for over 30 years. (It's perfect for winter, and I'm so thankful to now have it as part of our home.)

My Grandma & Grandpa Jackson's vintage silver tree and vintage Shiny Bright ornaments, which is making an appearance for the first time as our tree this year. (We are going out of town after the holiday and decided to forgo a green tree this year.)

The fireplace mantel with stockings for the Advent Fairies to come and bring holiday experiences to enjoy. (Obviously this photo was taken two weeks ago.)

The Advent Fairies bring experiences like these, having your dad play Silent Night on guitar. (Good thing the Advent Fairies know the talents in our household! Last week, I got to tell a story about Elgin the Elf and another one about two rabbits, Poppet and Daisy). (I shared this tradition with inspiring life artist & blogger Ali Edwards last year, and she shared it on her blog along with a download for our Holiday Spirit prompts.)

By the way, my daughter Grace took that picture. She is actually a very good photographer with a great sense of framing and detail. 

The little holiday village on our front window sill. (Inspired by the prettier version here and here by Alicia Paulson, the lovely blogger/writer of Pozy Gets Cozy.)

But it is pretty to look at it and Grace has loved playing with it and telling stories with her little play animals.

Another photo by Grace looking into the living room at the back of a little ornament tree I have. 

Hope you are enjoying your day and finding little vignettes of beauty and joy to inspire you this season!

Tell me, what in your house is inspiring you this holiday season?

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Reader Comments (3)

I treasure the vintage items too- mixing bowls, chip and dip sets- even a Yahtzee game with an old leather cup. My grandmother is never far from our holidays. I love your silver tree!
Thanks....blessings this season.

December 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMamary Frances

Your house looks wonderful and welcoming, Shannon!

For me, the Christmas tree is the most inspiring thing in our house this season. I switched to a real tree after my divorce (managing to lug it in and set it up, too!), and it's filled with ornaments that represent different times or events in my life, going back more than 20 years. I grumble while putting everything up, but in the end love to switch the room lights off and just stare at the tree and its beauty. Very calming!

December 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

Oh, and hope you're enjoying your post Christmas celebrations/vacation!

December 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

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