Hello! I'm Shannon.

As a soul specialist, radiance amplifier and inspiring guide, I help people bloom bigger into life through 1-on-1 Stargazer sessions, bespoke flower essences,  inspiring talks, transformative circles & retreats & keepsake photography books.

This is my virtual home. May you discover precisely what you need, to unfold into your fullest potential.

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Steady Steps to Transformation

When some milkweed showed up in the otherwise manicured garden off my back patio this summer, I intentionally let it grow, knowing how much the caterpillars love it. And indeed, I counted 18 Milkweed Tussock Moths on the three plants this weekend, happily and purposefully chewing on leaves.

Last night, I was feeling impatient about what I want to create this fall — and in my life. New classes. New stretchings in my creative work (poetry, collage, art journals). New connections through this blog. 

I want it all. Right now, in fact. 

But then I remembered these moths, and their sure and steady chomping on the milkweed. Each taking the necessary steps — bite by bite — to fully transform into the winged creatures they are destined to be.

One of the wonderful coaches who powerfully impacted my life Sunni Boehme — uses Dan MIllman's The Life You Were Born to Live as a tool for her client's self-discovery. According to the book, one of my life path numbers is a 4. Which, as I remember it, means I'm good with the big picture (I see where I want to go and what I want to create). But my growing edge is learning to how be with the process.

In other words, to learn to enjoy every step of the journey, and not just the destination. 

I know this is an important lesson for me — and for all of us — on the path to fulfilling our life purpose and our creative dreams. 

Take it one step at a time. And trust that with intention and inspired action you are creating the space to transform and take flight.

Thanks to the example of my caterpillar friends, I'm going to keep taking steps every day toward what I'm called to do — and be patient as my new wings emerge.

So, tell me, what are the small steps you will take this week to go towards fulfilling your dreams?

Feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you. And as you can see from the group of moths below, there is power in community.

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