Hello! I'm Shannon.

As a soul specialist, radiance amplifier and inspiring guide, I help people bloom bigger into life through 1-on-1 Stargazer sessions, bespoke flower essences,  inspiring talks, transformative circles & retreats & keepsake photography books.

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New Year's Thought

At New Year's we celebrate the sense that we can step outside of the normal flow of time, touch a creative and visionary source within us, and shape the world afresh. But this hopefulness is not confined just to some brief moment somewhere between December 31st and January 1st. It is, in fact, a characteristic of any threshold moment, such as a birthday or an anniversary. And if we pay attention to such things, we can find that presence of potential and transformation, new birth and new beginnings, available to us each moment. It only takes a shift of perspective to realize that this moment, as the old saying goes, is the beginning of the rest of our lives.

— from "A New Year's Reflection" by David Spangler from Marianne Williamson's blog in 2005. Full essay here.

P.S. We're still on vacation — be back next week! Happy New Year's!

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