Flowering Fridays: Finding Flowers in Winter

Pictures from Christmas Eve morning at the Domes in Milwaukee, WI.
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It is raining down a beautiful snowfall today here in Wisconsin. And it is beautiful.
But as a lover of flowers and things green, I find that the monochromatic whiteness
of a Wisconsin winter calls for some color sometimes. On Christmas Eve, I was in charge
of choosing the activity for our morning out with Michael's parents. Not surprisingly, I chose
Milwaukee's indoor botanical garden, The Mitchell Park Conservatory. (Called "the Domes" by
us locals, for the three large glass domes that make up the conservatory.)
It was wonderfully refreshing — both in terms of seeing the plants and flowers (the shapes,
the colors, the centers — swoon!) and in terms of having a mini-vacation from the winter
landscape. It also taught me that even here in the icy cold of Wisconsin, I can find flowers
still blooming. You just have to know where to look for them. And give yourself persmission
to pause and notice.
Tell me, where is there blooming in your life right now if you only stopped to look more closely?
Flowering Fridays is a weekly look at flowers through the lens of what they might teach us about flowering fully in our life. Past editions are here.

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