Hello! I'm Shannon.

As a soul specialist, radiance amplifier and inspiring guide, I help people bloom bigger into life through 1-on-1 Stargazer sessions, bespoke flower essences,  inspiring talks, transformative circles & retreats & keepsake photography books.

This is my virtual home. May you discover precisely what you need, to unfold into your fullest potential.

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Field Notes: Having New Eyes


Tree on walk, from 2011

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” — Marcel Proust

I am writing this from 37,000 feet in the air, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, south of Greenland. Michael, Grace and I are en route to Paris and the UK for 19 days. A trip we have spent many years dreaming into being.

I have never been to the UK, despite a deep Anglophile streak and a yearning since childhood to live there someday. Michael and I were last in Paris 14 years ago, the year before we had Grace. It was a trip that changed me deeply, and I expect this visit to be no different.

As I was packing my bags an hour before leaving this morning, I noticed how different I have planned this trip from our last visit. Last time, we had a pretty intense travel schedule — lots of things we wanted to see, every day planned out. Three days in Paris, three days in Florence, two days in Cinque Terre, two days in Rome. It was wonderful, but full.

This time, I have a short list of must-sees and a few things scheduled (sunrise inside the circle of Stonehenge, a tour at C.S. Lewis' home The Kilns, a daytrip to the Chartres Cathedral, surprising Grace with a performance of Wicked in London).

Of course, being the research junkie, former travel writer that I am, I have a ton of research gathered — quaint pubs, beautiful manor house gardens, gluten-free bakeries in Paris...enough for a year's worth of touring! — and several guidebooks packed.

But this trip, there is space kept open for serendipity, exploring lesser known spots and just being present — to myself and my soul, to the whispers of the Divine, to these two beautiful people I'm blessed to share my life with, and to life at large — and seeing what new wants to emerge from this trip. 

I intend to spend some afternoons just wandering. I brought my art journal to draw and write in. I plan to blog here regularly. And I have a new little camera with which to take lots and lots of pictures.

I know one doesn't need to travel to have new eyes.

Contemplative photographer Kim Manley Ort discovered a secret garden on a walk near her home last week. (So swoon-worthy. And if you want to develop new eyes for seeing, Kim's online contemplative photography classes are wonderful. The photo above was taken when I took her Photo by Design course in 2011.)

This week, I discovered several new-to-me plants in our garden, and saw my husband with a new light when he brought Grace home a charm bracelet with the name of her beloved pet rat, Louis Sapphire, who died this week, engraved on a heart.

There is always something to be seen anew, even things we think we know by heart.

In many ways, the most beautiful openings happen when we see  that which we feel is known as a revelation of wonder and beauty. Be it in something in our own backyard, in our beloved or in ourselves.

It feels miraculous. But in truth, it is ever-present and always available.  

I think this is a big part of why I love doing my Stargazer sessions so much. I am gifted with the opportunity to see someone in a new way — through the lens of their incredibly radiant soul, through the loving lens of the spiritual.

This noticing, this being in wonder, this deeply seeing into the heart of things is me at my best. It fills me with joy, humbles me with how very much Love permeates everything, and makes me knees-to-the-ground grateful to be alive on Earth.

Today, I am choosing to travel far from home to see things with new eyes. And I am filled with wonder at what might emerge from it.

Tell me, what are you seeing with new eyes in your world?


P.S. Is there a part of your own life journey that I could assist in helping you have "new eyes" for? 

A stuck spot? An area of disconnect? Clarity around your next level of expansion? Insight into to your unique purpose? Deeper spiritual connection? A wider view of the landscape of your life?

My clients report clarity, comfort, joy and spiritual openings as a result of a Stargazer session.

I feel so blessed and honored to facilitate these incredibly transformative sessions.

It was a joy to receive this email from a client as we arrived at the airport today. "You've given me more than I ever imagined ... I wanted peace. I'm feeling peaceful for the first time ... ever?  Maybe not ever, but since I can remember."

My exchange and structure for Stargazer Sessions changes July 1.

I will now have two options to choose from — a single-issue session for 45 minutes by phone ($60 USD) or (my favorite!) a deep-dive, big-shifting two-hour session (in-person or by phone) with suggested practices to support you going forward, and follow-up support if needed for $250.

If you would like to pre-purchase a the two-hour Stargazer session at the current rate (of $115) in June, you can use it any time between July and December of this year. Email me to book or for more information.


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