Inner Wisdom

two of my SoulCollage® cards
Last Saturday, I attended a SoulCollage® playshop with Chris LeGrand and Kathy Morgan at the Joyful Living Center. It was a wonderful gathering of women, so much creative flow and energy and such fun.
Of course, I loved choosing images, and then cutting them out and gluing them down. That's true play for me, and I was completely immersed in that joy of creating.
But what was unexpected was the new opening it created for me around accessing my inner wisdom.
According to the official website, SoulCollage® is "a creative and satisfying collage process. You make your own deck of cards — each collage card representing one aspect of your personality or Soul. Use the collage cards intuitively to answer life's questions and participate in self-discovery. Joyfully deepen your understanding of the relationships between your personality parts, you and your family/community/world, and you and your dreams, symbols, and Spirit."
Part of my journey of late is learning to trust and listen to my inner wisdom. And after many years of ignoring, stuffing or receiving guidance and then doing the opposite, I am learning to honor my inner truth.
I really wasn't sure what these SoulCollage® cards were. I hadn't realized that these cards can be compiled into a deck, complete with suits, and then used to do readings, much like tarot cards. Cards are typically read by beginning with the prompt "I am the One who…" and then reading into the card images through that statement.
For the card on the left above, I haven't completely settled on the title yet, but one possibility I'm playing with is, "I am the one who finds the key by going inward (through my keyhole) to reach the world beyond."
With the six cards I did create on Saturday, I can see some themes that are emerging: trusting in the support of the universe, opening up myself and shining light into what's hidden, the duality of life and myself, and being connected to both nature and my true nature.
If you are in the Milwaukee area, I highly recommend taking a workshop with Chris and Kathy, both art therapists. You can also check out to see if there is a SoulCollage® facilitator in your region or buy the book and try it on your own.
It's also fun to visit the SoulCollage® homepage, where it randomly generates a personal reading for you from its database of cards. You can click on each card to see what the card represented to its creator. Cool stuff.
Tell me, what do you do to access your inner wisdom?
Reader Comments (1)
I love this question. My favorite way to access inner wisdom is to hit the open roads on my bicycle or the pine forest trails on a cross country ski. Information floods in so easily for me while moving in nature.