Hello! I'm Shannon.

As a soul specialist, radiance amplifier and inspiring guide, I help people bloom bigger into life through 1-on-1 Stargazer sessions, bespoke flower essences,  inspiring talks, transformative circles & retreats & keepsake photography books.

This is my virtual home. May you discover precisely what you need, to unfold into your fullest potential.

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Daily Inspiration

Part of how I keep myself focused and inspired each day is to ensure my day starts with some uplifting messages in my email inbox. Such daily inspiration keeps me focused on what I want to create in my life and how I want to be. It reminds me to go into my day with an eye on some key questions:

What do I want to create today? What story do I want to tell about my life today? Where is the happiness in this moment?

I'm someone who thrives on information and possibilities so my daily dose of inspiration might feel like an overdose to you. But here are the emails that provide me with an orientation that keeps me motivated, energized and in awe of life:

Daily Law of Attraction Quotation from Abraham-Hicks

The Inner Vortex

TUT's Notes from the Universe

Neale Donald Walsh (author of the Conversations with God books)

The Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keillor

Daily OM

James Ray's Daily Thought of Power

Tell me, what are your favorite daily doses of inspiration?

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